flexible cancellation protection
Worldwide Car Rental Partners | gogoout Self-Drive Travel's Blog🌈 Official InfoWhat is flexible cancellation protection?

What is flexible cancellation protection?

flexible cancellation protection

Flexible cancellation protection is a service add-on provided by the gogoout car rental platform, offering users the flexibility to add this protection when booking a vehicle. We encourage users to consider this option since most providers charge handling fees for cancellations 3-7 days before the pickup date. This protection significantly reduces potential losses from being unable to receive a full refund due to last-minute cancellation.

About flexible cancellation protection?

1. Flexible cancellation protection can be added under "Add-ons" during vehicle booking. Once successfully added, the protection fee will be automatically calculated in your "Order Details" on the right side of the screen.

Note: flexible cancellation protection can only be added during the initial booking process and cannot be added after the order is completed.

2. After adding the protection and completing payment, you can cancel your order 24 hours before the pickup time, regardless of reason, and receive a full refund for the rental fee (please review the complete terms and conditions).

3. Within 24 hours of the pickup time, flexible cancellation protection will immediately expires. According to platform terms, you will not be eligible for refund protection and cancellation fees will be charged.


4. Flexible cancellation protection fee is 5% of the vehicle rental fee for that booking. Therefore, the protection fee will vary depending on the vehicle model, provider, and region.

5. Flexible cancellation protection only applies to the vehicle rental fee. Other add-on services and insurance are not covered under this protection.

How Flexible cancellation Protection Works

When flexible cancellation protection is active, you'll receive a full refund of the vehicle rental fee, but the protection fee and other add-on service fees will not be refunded.
Below are some scenarios using a daily rental fee of NT$1,000 to help you better understand the protection fees and how they work:

Cost Calculations

Scenario 1

With flexible cancellation protection NT$50, no other add-ons
Pickup/Return time: 2024/11/11 15:00 - 2024/11/12 15:00

If you cancel this order at 2024/11/10 14:59, since you added refund protection, you will receive a full refund of the NT$1,000 vehicle rental fee. The NT$50 protection fee will be charged and not refunded.
If you cancel this order at 2024/11/10 15:01, since it's after the pickup time, the protection has expired and according to platform policy, no refund will be provided.

Scenario 2

Without flexible cancellation protection, no other add-ons
Pickup/Return time: 2024/11/11 15:00 - 2024/11/12 15:00

If you cancel this order at 2024/11/10 14:35, since you didn't add refund protection, according to platform policy, no refund will be provided.

Scenario 3

With flexible cancellation protection NT$50, convertible car seat NT$100
Pickup/Return time: 2024/11/11 15:00 - 2024/11/12 15:00

2024/11/10 14:48取消此筆訂單,因為加選退訂安心保障,因此將可以獲得NT$1000的車輛租金全額退款,加選保障NT$50將被收取不予以退回,兒童座椅為到店付款,因此將不需支付。
2024/11/10 15:15取消此筆訂單,因為已超過取車前24小時之時限,退訂安心保障已失效,將視平台政策不予以任何退款.

Scenario 4

With flexible cancellation protection NT$50, no other add-ons
Pickup/Return time: 2024/11/11 15:00 - 2024/11/12 15:00

2024/11/10 14:30更改此筆訂單,將取還車時間調整至 2024/12/11 10:00 – 2024/12/12 10:00,由於變更時間視同新訂單成立,原加選之保障時效因此失效。。
2024/11/10 15:01取消此筆訂單,因為已超過取車前24小時之時限,退訂安心保障已失效,將視平台政策不予以任何退款.

Note: Once flexible cancellation protection is added and order payment is completed, the protection service and fee cannot be canceled.

Cancellation Process

Whether or not you have flexible cancellation protection, the cancellation process remains the same. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Access Member Center

Click on the member center in the top right corner of the webpage and enter "Bookings"

Step 2: Request Order Cancellation

You will see your "Reserved" orders. Find the order you wish to cancel and click "Request Cancellation" on the far right.

Step 3: Confirm Refund Amount

The refund details will show the order number, rental fee, refund percentage, and refundable amount. Please carefully read the "Cancellation Policy" terms before confirming.

Note: These details and cancellation policy will clearly state the provider's refund policy, as shown in red text. If you haven't added flexible cancellation protection, refunds will be processed according to this policy.

Step 4: Complete Order Cancellation

Complete the order cancellation process and wait for bank and credit card processing, which takes up to 14 business days for the refund to be completed.


1. 條款適用範圍


2. 服務內容

  1. 「退訂安心保障」是谷奧科技股份公司(以下簡稱「本公司」)所經營之「gogoout」(以下簡稱「本網站」)所提供的一項可選服務,允許選購此服務的用戶在取車時間前 24 小時取消租車預訂(除符合第 3 條所述的不適用情形外)並獲得租車費用的全額退款。
  2. 退訂安心保障僅適用於車輛租金部分,其他附加服務或費用(如額外保險、導航設備等)不在保障範圍內。
  3. 退訂安心保障的服務效力於取車時間24小時內自動失效,該時間過後,用戶將無法再依據「退訂安心保障」申請退款。
  4. 用戶選擇退訂安心保障服務後,如申請退款(含颱風、地震或其他不可抗力事件因素),該服務本身的費用將不納入退款範圍。

3. 不適用退訂安心保障之情形

用戶自行決定不取車或不使用租車服務(No Show),且也未取消此筆訂單。

4. 退款條件及流程

  1. 若用戶選擇取消租車預訂且符合本服務條款之條件,可申請退還租車費用的全額。申請流程如下:
    • 用戶需於取車時間前自行通過本網站或 APP 自行取消租車預約。
    • 本公司在收到申請後,將在收到所有必要資料後的 10 個工作日內處理退款。
  2. 當退訂安心保障申請成功時,「退訂安心保障」的服務費用不包含在退款範圍內。

5. 使用者責任

  1. 用戶在選擇「退訂安心保障」服務時,應詳細閱讀並確認理解本服務條款。選擇此服務即表示用戶已同意本服務條款的所有內容。
  2. 用戶應確保提交的所有資料均真實無誤,並負責由此產生的一切法律後果。

6. 爭議解決

  1. 本服務條款的解釋及適用,應依台灣法律為準。
  2. 若用戶與本公司就本服務條款所涉及的內容發生任何爭議,雙方應本著誠信原則協商解決。協商不成者,雙方同意以台灣台北地方法院為第一審管轄法院。

7. 條款修改與更新

  1. 本公司保留隨時修改或更新本服務條款的權利。修改後的條款將發布於本網站或本網站自行開發之APP 上,並自發布之日起生效。
  2. 用戶在條款修改或更新後繼續使用或選購「退訂安心保障」服務,視為同意並接受修改或更新後的條款。

Frequently Asked Questions About Flexible Cancellation Protection

Q: How much does this flexible cancellation protection service cost?

A: The flexible cancellation protection service fee is 5% of the vehicle rental fee for that order. For example: If the vehicle rental fee is NT$1,000, the protection fee is NT$50; if the vehicle rental fee is NT$6,300, the protection fee is NT$315.

Q: In which countries or regions can flexible cancellation protection be used?

A: Flexible cancellation protection applies to all regions' vehicles on gogoout, including Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Thailand, and the United States. It applies to all listed vehicles with no model restrictions.

Q: Can I get a partial refund if I cancel my order less than 24 hours before the pickup time?

A: If the refund protection period has expired, order cancellations will not be refunded unless pickup is impossible due to natural disasters like typhoons or earthquakes. For details, please check the gogoout Rental Terms page.

Q: Can I add flexible cancellation protection after completing my order?

A: No, flexible cancellation protection can only be added during the initial booking process under optional add-ons. It cannot be added after the order is completed.

Q: After adding flexible cancellation protection, can I cancel this service and get a refund?

A: No, once flexible cancellation protection is added and the order is successfully created, you cannot cancel the service or receive a refund for the protection fee.

Q: Does flexible cancellation protection include additional services like insurance or GPS devices?

A: No, refund protection only covers the "vehicle rental fee". All other additional equipment, insurance, etc., are not covered under this protection.

Q: If I change my pickup time, will the protection period automatically extend?

A: Yes, the protection period depends on the "final pickup time" of your order, so when you change your pickup time, the protection period will automatically extend.

Q: What happens if I cancel my order without flexible cancellation protection?

A: If you haven't added refund protection, refunds will be processed according to the provider's policy, with refund percentages of 100%, 50%, or 0% based on your cancellation time.
If you have added refund protection, you can receive a 100% refund of the vehicle rental fee as long as you cancel more than 24 hours before pickup.

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