全球租車好夥伴 | gogoout 自駕旅遊誌🌈 官方資訊2024 Bangkok Flash Sale on gogoout!

2024 Bangkok Flash Sale on gogoout!

Explore Bangkok in 2024 with Our Self-Drive Thai Vacations

Promo Code Validity: May 2, 2024 – May 16, 2024, 23:59 (14 days)

Usage Period: May 2, 2024 – July 16, 2024, 23:59 (75 days)

Exclusive to our new locations: get an instant discount on your first booking!

🌟 Use the promo code 【bangkok300】to book your car rental in Thailand and get an instant NT$300 off
🌟 Earn an extra 2% in GO Points
🌟 Each booking GO Points rewards are included

Terms and Conditions:
  • GO Points from this promotion will be credited 7-10 days after returning the vehicle, without further notice.
  • This promo code is exclusively for booking on gogoout’s platform.
  • This promo code is valid only for car rentals in Thailand.
  • The promo code is limited to a single transaction, and cannot be combined with other promotions, nor can it be exchanged for cash, refunds, split into multiple bookings, or transferred to third parties. Any split bookings are subject to gogoout’s discretion; extensions are not eligible.
  • Discounts from this promo code do not earn GO Points.
  • Renters should review individual rental company policies before renting; special attention should be given to gogoout’s renter, driver’s license, and vehicle pick-up/drop-off documentation requirements, detailed in the gogoout Rental Guide at「https://gogoout.com/about/description」and the gogoout Terms of Use at 「https://gogoout.com/about/terms
  • gogoout reserves the right to modify, change, or cancel the terms and details of this promotional event at any time without notice. 

Learn more about GO Points:

GO Points 初登場-這次租完,讓下一趟旅程回饋省更多!

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