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【Car Hire Okinawa】 Your Ultimate Guide to Self-Drive Adventures


For those who can drive, car hire in Okinawa is a travel method worth trying! Many secret spots in Okinawa can only be reached by car. Plus, Japanese drivers are incredibly "courteous," making it very friendly for first-time right-hand drivers. Car hire in Okinawa offers high flexibility - if you're traveling with children or elderly family members, you won't have to struggle with luggage or rush to catch public transport. You can comfortably adjust your travel pace. We highly recommend trying a self-drive vacation in Okinawa!

Essential Documents and Application Process for Car Hire in Okinawa

With a valid driver's license issued by your place of residence, passport, credit card, and an International Driving Permit (IDP) or Japanese translation of your license, you can easily rent a car in Okinawa.


Who Needs a Japanese License Translation?


For visitors from Taiwan, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Germany, Monaco, Estonia, and Slovakia, Japan only accepts the "Japanese translation of the home country's license." So, travelers from these countries should remember to bring their "original driver's license + Japanese translation of the license" when renting a car in Okinawa.

How to Obtain Japanese License Translation

JAF (Japan Automobile Federation)
You can apply for a translation online or by mail.

  • credit card is required
  • send a photocopy of your license (both sides)
  • a fee of approximately 4,800 JPY (around $45) for processing
  • complete the online application or send your documents to their address.

Certified Translation Services:

  • certified translations for about $24.95 per page with a 24-hour delivery option.
  • ensure that the translation meets the requirements for official use in the U.S.

How to Obtain an International Driving Permit (IDP)

You can apply at any AAA office. If someone else is applying on your behalf, they need to bring two forms of identification.

For U.S. citizens:

  • Download and fill out an application from the AAA website.
  • Provide two original passport photos
  • Valid U.S. driver's license
  • Bring the completed application to your nearest AAA Travel office
  • Pay the $20 permit fee

For foreign visitors in the U.S.:

  • A completed application form.
  • Two passport-sized photos.
  • A copy of your valid driver's license.
  • Payment of a small fee.

Who Needs an International Driving Permit?


If your country is not mentioned above as needing a Japanese license translation, and you hold an IDP issued by a country that's a signatory to the Geneva Convention on Road Traffic (valid for one year), you can legally drive a car or motorcycle in Japan with your passport, original driver's license, and IDP.

Reminder | Japan does not recognize international driving permits issued by countries party to the 1926 Paris Convention, 1943 Washington Convention, or 1968 Vienna Convention.

After getting your documents ready, it's important to review the traffic rules for driving in Okinawa to avoid costly fines.

Essential Traffic Rules for Driving in Okinawa

Okinawa, like mainland Japan, has some significant differences in traffic patterns compared to the U.S. or other Western countries. When self-driving in a foreign place, safety is paramount! So, please pay close attention to the following traffic rules in Okinawa.


沖繩交通 規則/罰金

Drive on the Left:

Japan drives on the left side of the road, which is an important difference opposite to most Western countries. The steering wheel operation and road rules you need to follow are the opposite of what you're used to. So, don't panic if you accidentally hit the windshield wipers instead of the turn signal. The key is to drive slowly, pay attention to road conditions, and make sure to follow local traffic rules without overlooking any important safety details.


Also, when approaching intersections or exits, prioritize checking for vehicles on your right before looking left to prevent collisions with oncoming traffic.


Safe Driving:

All passengers must wear seatbelts, and drunk driving is strictly prohibited., Drive steadily,, don't speed,and absolutelynever drink and drive..
These are basic traffic safety principles regardless of the country. Whether you're in the U.S. or Japan, you should strictly adhere to these rules!

Speeding Fines:

The maximum speed limit in Okinawa is 50 mph (80 km/h). You'll definitely get a ticket if you exceed 62 mph (100 km/h), so please be extra careful.

Regular roads / highways speeding within 15 km/h, fine ¥9,000
Highway speeding 30 km/h or more but less than 35 km/h, fine ¥25,000
Highway speeding 35 km/h or more but less than 40 km/h, fine ¥35,000
Highway speeding 40 km/h or more, fine ¥100,000
(These fines are for ordinary small vehicles, different vehicle types have different fines)

Picture from:google map

沖繩高速公路是有測速照相的!詳細位置可以在 Orbis Guide 看到。

Picture from:Orbis Guide

日本在速限上多半是自由心證,也就是說測速是遠遠少於台灣,通常高速公路上,其他車輛都是最高速限的+10~+20 的車速在行駛。


DUI Fines:

Blood alcohol content (below 0.15 mg/l), fine¥500,000 or more / passengers also fined ¥300,000 or more
Driving while intoxicated to the point of being unable to drive normally, fine ¥1,000,000 or more / passengers also fined ¥500,000 or more

(While not wearing a seatbelt doesn't result in a fine, it may lead to partial insurance non-payment in case of an accident.)

Using Phone While Driving:

It's strictly forbidden to use your phone while driving, whether for calls or browsing. Violating this rule will result in a fine of about $40 (¥6,000)

Yellow Lane Markings

For yellow lane markings, note that you cannot cross the line to overtake unless explicitly allowed. However, left turns, right turns, or U-turns are permitted where there are no prohibiting signs. Always follow traffic signs and instructions to ensure your driving is safe and legal.

Japanese street map with yellow lines on the driveway

White Lane Markings

Solid white lines: You cannot freely change lanes, but it's okay to briefly cross them to avoid parked vehicles on the roadside. Return to your lane promptly.

Dashed white lines: You can change lanes or overtake when safe.

Solid yellow line next to dashed white line: Vehicles on the white line side can change lanes to the yellow line side, but vehicles on the yellow line side are prohibited from changing lanes.


Stopping and Restarting:

The stop and restart sign system in Okinawa differs from the U.S. When you see the "止まれ" (STOP) and "踏切" (Railroad Crossing) signs, you must come to a complete stop and restart only when it's safe. Failure to comply results in these penalties:

Failing to stop at a "止まれ" sign: $47 (¥7,000) fine Failing to stop at a railroad crossing: $60 (¥9,000) fine

沖繩交通號誌牌,止まれ ,停車再開標誌

Temporary Parking:

Japan strictly enforces rules against random or illegal parking. Don't assume you can quickly park to run into a convenience store like you might in the U.S.
Okinawa severely punishes these behaviors. For instance, on Ishigaki Island, parking on private property or occupying someone else's parking spot typically results in a minimum fine of $200 (¥30,000)!



違規停車可能會導致罰款,並且罰款的金額為 ¥10,000 起跳。


Note: Before entering a parking lot, double-check it's not a "月極駐車場" (monthly parking lot). These are for monthly renters, not hourly parking, and you might accidentally park in a resident's spot!

Yellow dashed line

Clear Right-of-Way:

Japan's traffic rules ensure clear right-of-way. The typical order is:

Straight-going vehicles: Absolute priority

Left-turning vehicles: After straight-going vehicles but before right-turning ones

Right-turning vehicles: Last to pass through intersections

This clear allocation helps maintain orderly traffic flow and ensures safety.


Main Road Priority:

On main roads, vehicles already on the road have the right-of-way.
Continue driving and don't suddenly brake when side road vehicles are merging.
Those on side roads should slow down or stop completely before merging when traffic allows.


Pedestrian Priority:

In Japan, respecting pedestrians is crucial. Always yield to pedestrians to avoid fines and ensure a positive driving experience.


Reminder | If you unfortunately receive a traffic ticket, remember to go to the local police station (koban 交番所) to pay the fine. If you wait to pay at the rental car company, the amount will increase!

Okinawa's Special Traffic Signals and How to Read Traffic Lights


Traffic lights:

In Japan, traffic lights play a crucial role. The upper row usually shows standard red, yellow, and green lights, while the lower row indicates straight, left turn, and right turn signals. For example:

Red light + straight arrow: Continue straight, but no turning

Red light + left turn arrow: Left turn allowed, but no going straight or right

Green light + right turn arrow: Safe to proceed in all directions, including right turns



Flashing Yellow/Red Lights:


Flashing yellow:: Slow down, proceed with caution after checking for other vehicles

Flashing red: Same as a stop sign; come to a complete stop, proceed when safe

Traffic Signs:

Pay attention to traffic signs while driving in Okinawa to avoid violations.


How to Pay Traffic Fines in Okinawa:


💡Step1:Take the ticket to a local police station (koban) to get a payment slip. Don't ask the rental company to pay on your behalf as they'll charge extra fees.

💡Step2:Pay at a nearby bank or post office.

💡Step3:Keep the payment receipt and show it to the rental company when returning the car.

Note: Always pay fines yourself. Failure to pay can result in increased fines and being blacklisted by Japanese car rental companies.

How to Refuel in Okinawa:

Confirm the correct fuel type for your rental car.
Okinawa has both full-service and self-service gas stations. If you don't speak Japanese, show your phone to the attendant at full-service stations.

Fuel type Fuel gun color Japanese English
Regular (95) Red レギコラー Regular
Premium (98) Yellow ハイオク Premium
Diesel Green 軽油 Diesel

Self-service fueling steps:

1. Choose fuel type, quantity, and payment method:

2. Refueling:
Open the fuel cap, insert the nozzle, and start fueling. When finished, return the nozzle, securely close the fuel cap, and collect your receipt and change.


Fuel prices are generally cheaper in suburban areas than in city centers or remote areas. Avoid refueling on highways as it's extremely expensive.

Use to find nearby gas stations and compare prices.

For estimating fuel costs, use theNavitime網站, which also provides information on highway tolls, gas station locations, and parking spots.

Insider Tips for Driving in Okinawa

Navigation in Okinawa: Introduction to Mapcode

Japan has a unique Mapcode navigation system. Here's how to use Mapion to find a destination's mapcode:


Here's how to useMapion to find a destination's mapcode:

Google search your destination and copy the address


Confirm the location, click "便利ツール" (Convenient Tools) in the top right, then "地図URL" (Map URL)




You'll then see the mapcode for your destination.

沖繩高速公路收費- ETC Isn't Always Faster!

There are two ways to pay highway tolls in Okinawa: general cash lanes and ETC lanes.


General cash lanes:

Take a ticket when entering and pay when exiting.

ETC lanes:

Ask the rental company if they provide ETC rentals and about the charges.
There are usually two payment methods:Pay for actual usage upon return Pay a flat fee (usually $20-$34 or ¥3000-¥5000) for unlimited use

ETC offers night discounts (up to 30% off) between midnight and 4 AM.

想知道你的沖繩旅程,在高速公路上會花多少過路費嗎?👉 點此前往預估沖繩過路費用

Note: ETC lanes have a 12 mph (20 km/h) speed limit for proper sensor detection. During high traffic, ETC lanes might be slower than cash lanes.

Car Insurance in Okinawa


All vehicles in Japan must have basic insurance by law, including liability insurance. This usually covers personal injury, property damage, and vehicle damage, and is typically included in the rental fee.

While most compensation is paid by the insurance company, renters are still responsible for a portion called the "deductible." There are two types of deductible compensation systems:

1. Collision Damage Waiver (CDW)

(Collision Damage Waiver):An additional insurance option that can waive the renter's deductible in case of vehicle damage or collision.

2.Non-Operation Charge (NOC)

Non-Operation Charge (NOC) Compensation: Covers the rental company's loss of business during vehicle repair time.

Note: These insurances are often charged separately.

Basic Mandatory Insurance +CDW +NOC
Personal injury compensation (for victims) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Property damage compensation ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Vehicle damage compensation ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Personal injury compensation (for passengers) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Deductible exemption ✔️ ✔️
Business loss fee exemption ✔️

It's strongly recommended to consider purchasing these additional insurance options. A small extra fee can greatly reduce potential huge losses from unexpected accidents.


What to Do in Case of a Car Accident in Okinawa


💡Step1:Move your car to the roadside (unlike in the U.S., this is to prevent secondary collisions)

💡Step2:Place a warning triangle on the roadside and call110to report to the police

💡Step3:When calling 110, clearly state the accident location, whether there are any injuries, and leave your name and contact number.Be sure to get an accident certificate for insurance claims.

💡Step4:Contact the rental car company to inform them of the situation. They will send someone to assist.

After understanding these regulations, driving in Okinawa doesn't seem so difficult! Book your self-drive experience now and enjoy the freedom of exploring Okinawa at your own pace!

【Okinawa car rental must see】car rental recommendations, cost comparisons, self-driving attention to a full strategy!

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